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Damon Linker

Damon Linker is a Senior Lecturer in Political Science at the University of Pennsylvania and the author of The Theocons and The Religious Test. He writes three Substack newsletters, “Eyes on the Right,” “Looking Left,” and “Above the Fray,” collectively titled “Notes from the Middleground.” Linker is a Senior Fellow at the Open Society Project, a participant on the “Beg to Differ” podcast at The Bulwark, and a former senior correspondent at The Week. His essays and reviews have been featured in prominent publications like The New York Times and The Washington Post.
Over 12,000 subscribers

Notes From The Middleground

Analysis and criticism of the antiliberal right, social-justice progressivism, and cultural topics

When creating the logo for Damon Linker’s “Notes from the Middleground,” I wanted the design to reflect his unique perspective. I used bold concentric circles to guide the viewer’s focus to the middle of the road, capturing Damon’s idea of being in the “middleground” of politics. It’s a place where he doesn’t align strictly with one side or the other, but aims to look beyond immediate concerns. The logo not only symbolizes a middle ground in terms of ideology but also captures Damon’s approach of maintaining a thoughtful distance from the complexities of active politics.

In essence, the logo serves as a visual entry into Damon Linker’s distinctive viewpoint — a place where shared common ground is defended, and political debates find context within the broader narrative of American self-government.

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Hi, I’m Tara, a brand designer with +10 years’ experience, crafting Corporate Identities for writers, entrepreneurs and small businesses owners.

I’ve designed more than 100 Brands for some of the biggest personalities, such as Dan Rather, Anne Helen Petersen, Casey Newton & James Fell, just to name a few.

Our streamlined Substack Package was created in partnership with the team at Substack to suit content creators launching podcasts & newsletters.

If you want something more in-depth, check out our comprehensive Corporate Identity package.

Are you launching a publication or podcast on Substack?

We’ve designed more than 100 MicroBrands for some of the biggest personalities, such as Dan Rather, Anne Helen Petersen, Casey Newton & James Fell, just to name a few.

Our Substack Package was created in partnership with Substack to suit content creators launching podcasts & newsletters.

Substack Brand Package

With our Substack Starter Kit, you can focus on what you do best — creating great content for your readers — while I create a design that complements your writing style.

Our Substack Packs include:

Get a professional logo that attracts readers & reflects what your publication is all about.